2024 Abridged - RHA Solo Exhib...
Abridged A... Readmore
A major show of works including drawing, sculpture and video.
What does it mean to ‘abridge’? “To shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense’. This same act of selection and compression applies equally to the non-verbal, to visual meaning, to the works in this show. The pattern in the diversity in this show just happens to be an abridged version of myself.
Abridged A... Readmore
These... Readmore
TAKING... Readmore
Mnemosyne,... Readmore
2022... Readmore
2021... Readmore
Shore... Readmore
Watercolour... Readmore
Thorn... Readmore
What... Readmore
Watercolour... Readmore
Full... Readmore
Climate... Readmore
Photographic... Readmore
Vivienne... Readmore
Crawford... Readmore
Sea... Readmore
pencil,watercolour,... Readmore
Jaxon... Readmore
Exhibition... Readmore
Inaugural... Readmore
Exhibition... Readmore
Light... Readmore
Bray... Readmore
Light... Readmore
Note... Readmore
Whitelight... Readmore
N... Readmore
Wave... Readmore
Inclination... Readmore
The... Readmore
Plumbline... Readmore
Sentinel... Readmore