2024 Abridged - RHA Solo Exhib...
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Inaugural exhibition at Triskel Christchurch 2011, with guest artist Katarina Eismann. Vivienne was commissioned to create a response to the newly transformed Christchurch in Cork city. The building was deconsecrated and closed to the public for a number of years and reopened as a beautiful new performance and exhibition space for Cork. Paying close attention to the light within the church, Vivienne made 16 new works, including a series of Quiet Monuments placed near existing commemorative plaques. These invited exploration of the whole space as a secular homage to the continuing presence of the original church. Katarina used the same light to reflect visitors’ faces onto a screen to become early players in this new "theatre of life".
Heartbeat:New life (photograph) The Sisters Window 1 (in-situ painting matching the chromatic shadows of the stained glass which remain as painting after the shadows pass during the day).
Reflex 2 (red reflection and drawing on wall)
Sunlines, details
Abridged A... Readmore
These... Readmore
TAKING... Readmore
Mnemosyne,... Readmore
2022... Readmore
2021... Readmore
Shore... Readmore
Watercolour... Readmore
Thorn... Readmore
What... Readmore
Watercolour... Readmore
Full... Readmore
Climate... Readmore
Photographic... Readmore
Vivienne... Readmore
Crawford... Readmore
Sea... Readmore
pencil,watercolour,... Readmore
Jaxon... Readmore
Exhibition... Readmore
Inaugural... Readmore
Exhibition... Readmore
Light... Readmore
Bray... Readmore
Light... Readmore
Note... Readmore
Whitelight... Readmore
N... Readmore
Wave... Readmore
Inclination... Readmore
The... Readmore
Plumbline... Readmore
Sentinel... Readmore