2024 Abridged - RHA Solo Exhib...
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Whitelight Garden is a major land-sculpture. By day it is a three-acre public garden, and by night it transforms into an extensive light-artwork. It traces the archaeology of the Early Christian Burial site over which it is made and gives those burials an artistic presence on the surface of the shaped land. Whitelight Garden won the ‘Busness2Arts Judges Special Recognition Award’ in 2007.
Commissioned by Harcourt Development. Lighting consultant: Arup.
Materials: earthworks, concrete, wood, steel, bronze, lighting and planting.
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These... Readmore
TAKING... Readmore
Mnemosyne,... Readmore
2022... Readmore
2021... Readmore
Shore... Readmore
Watercolour... Readmore
Thorn... Readmore
What... Readmore
Watercolour... Readmore
Full... Readmore
Climate... Readmore
Photographic... Readmore
Vivienne... Readmore
Crawford... Readmore
Sea... Readmore
pencil,watercolour,... Readmore
Jaxon... Readmore
Exhibition... Readmore
Inaugural... Readmore
Exhibition... Readmore
Light... Readmore
Bray... Readmore
Light... Readmore
Note... Readmore
Whitelight... Readmore
N... Readmore
Wave... Readmore
Inclination... Readmore
The... Readmore
Plumbline... Readmore
Sentinel... Readmore